Monday, August 29, 2011

Basketball pictures from last year

With Basketball season quickly approaching, I thought I would share last years pictures from when Megan played on the 5th grade school team.  The school has a 5th grade team, 6th grade team and jv and varsity teams.  This year Megan can try out for the 6th grade team (which starts in December) and for the jv team (which starts in October).  With so much going on, we have decided just to let her go out for the 6th grade team only.  Then in January there is always Upward Basketball to throw in there......and then right back in to Softball for her.  We did not let Megan play Upward last year because of school ball, but this year we may let her, since it will be the last year she can play in it.  They both occur at the same time.

Megan (#33 in red) in an away basketball game.

 Megan in the middle (in red) on the line

Megan with the ball.

Megan taking the ball out.