Monday, July 4, 2011


NIC. . . . . The middle child.  He was born 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 22 inches long.  He has always been very tall for his age and in kindergarten was a head taller than everyone in his class.  Jason reached 6'2 by the time he was 12 years old, so we think that Nic is going to also. I am guessing he will hit 6'4.  At 9 years old he is already in mens size 6 shoes.  He will be going into 4th grade this year.  As a child he has had developmental delays and speech delay.  He has been in speech since age 3 (preschool) and because of improvements this past year, if he can maintain during the summer he will be released from speech.  Nic has difficulty paying attention and is easily distracted.  He also is very caring and sensitive.  He loves little children and is very good with them.  He makes Malia laugh all the time.  When Malia was born and they brought her into the nursery, Nic was at the window watching.  Malia started chocking and they inserted tubes and Nic paniced and passed out, except the hospital did not know what was going on and called a 'CODE BLUE'.  Nurses and Doctors came from every direction and when Nic woke up he was very embarrassed and kept apoligizing.    During the first couple weeks at home, anytime Malia cried, Nic would panic and tell me to help her "Please".  He was a very good baby and never cried. 

In the past, Nic has not show much interest in sports.  He did not want to play baseball this year but I signed him up anyway and he has enjoyed it this year.  He is in the yard every day practicing.  This was his 5th year playing, but the first time he has really had fun at it.  He started out struggling to hit the ball, but when he did, it was a triple and he got on the base and was jumping up and down and yelling "yes"  and everyone was laughing with him and cheering him on.

He has also played Upward Basketball for 4 years and flag football 1 year.  He loves to skateboard and play video games. 

He does pretty well in school and maintains good grades.  I had a teacher tell me one time he is the class clown and is always trying to make everyone laugh.  He likes school and mostly enjoys recess, where girls have been known to chase him around calling him Justin Bieber. lol.   He is close to his sister, Megan (who is 19 months older).  They do almost everything together. 

Nic at his 9th birthday party.

Nic at Downtown Disney - the Lock Ness Monster is made out of legos.

Nic at Downtown Disney.
Nic at the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom.
By the princess castle at the Magic Kingdom.
At Daytona Beach

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