While visiting a family member in the hospital the other day, I was trying to keep Malia entertained. This is not an easy job, cause the kid does not know how to be still for 5 seconds. She soon found her own form of entertainment and everytime she heard someone coming down the hall, she would run out of the waiting room and lay down on the floor (like you would if you were making a snow angel) and she would be perfectly still until they got to her and she would jump up and run, laughing. I kept waiting for someone to call a CODE BLUE, like they did with Nic. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, I got my hands full with this one.
GOT ANOTHER HOSPITAL STORY FOR YOU..... Last year, we went to visit Grandpa Don in the hospital when he got a pacemaker put in and as we get off the elevator and round the corner there is an old man with his hospital gown completely open in the back with nothing on underneath, and Megan and Nic were giggling so hard the nurses stepped out from the desk and looked to see what was going on and when they saw what we did they were yelling down the hall to cover the gentleman up...sorry nurses too late. I think they got an even bigger kick out of it than the kids did. To this day, when we go to hospitals, they cover their eyes when we step off the elevator and ask if its all clear.

Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Malia 15 month check up
The doctor asked if I had any concerns about her and I said that my only concern was that Malia had trouble keeping her balance sometimes, and she was walking around the room and he noticed that her left foot was turned out a little bit, but thought that it is something that will correct itself as she grows. HOW COME I NEVER NOTICED THIS.... Boy did Malia have a lot of stories to tell the doctor...if we only knew what she was trying to say. Every once in a while you would here a word in her babbling. She also started to spin around in circles in the doctors office and he said that was very impressive and she should not be able to do that at her age.
While I am on the subject of Malia...the other day she was playing with the pots and pans in the kitchen as I was cooking supper, when I went to grab something across the kitchen I stepped on a pizza pan and did a split and smacked my back into the corner of the wall (and if that wasn't bad enough, as I was falling I grabbed the freezer door handle and almost pulled the fridge down on top of me.........BUT I remained calm and did not scream the entire time this was all happening BUT Malia sensed the fear or something, cause she ran as hard as she could to me and screamed MOMMA MOMMA, and grabbed my neck and would not let go.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Fun Day...Don't steal my food
Too Cool....
Chilling with my bubby
Malia did not like that too well and pulled Megans hair...
Then pushed her head down....
The big stare down....
Nic enjoyed the whole thing...Even Malia got a laugh from it.
No words to describe this picture.... (don't worry...Malia was not injured...Megan was just kidding in this picture)
This was hysterical..... Megan was been funny pretending to take Malia's french fry .....
Malia did not like that too well and pulled Megans hair...
Then pushed her head down....
The big stare down....
Nic enjoyed the whole thing...Even Malia got a laugh from it.
No words to describe this picture.... (don't worry...Malia was not injured...Megan was just kidding in this picture)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Softball Tournament
Megna's League Softball team finished 1st in the League and 2nd in the tournament. The girls had a very good season.
Megan and Bethany
Jaelynn (13), Jevin (34), Megan (12), Bethany (2) and Avri (25)
The team
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
New pics
Alex and Nic after a ball game
Malia in front of a water fountain at the hospital when we went to visit grandpa Don
I'm cool
I moved to Illinois in 1992 after graduating high school and started attending the local community college. I worked part time at walmart and also tutored at the college. I was going to graduate with an associates degree in applied Science: Information Processing. With graduation a week away, I was preparing to return to Pennsylvania and had given my 2 week notice. One evening while working, I met Jason Austin, he worked early morning shifts at walmart and so I had never met him until he worked a late shift. We talked while we worked together and the next day he came in to visit me at work and asked me out. Needless to say the rest is history. I never moved back to Pennsylvania and took back my 2 week notice. We were married 9/1/96.
A couple weeks after meeting Jason started working at Airtex and has been there for 17 years. I went to work at Airtex about a year later and worked in the office for 5 years, before I quit to be a stay at home mom when Nic was born. Megan was born in 2000 and Nic in 2001. Malia was born in 2010.
I decided to go back to work when the kids were in school, and wanted a job that was flexable so back to Walmart is where I went for the last 5 years. I started out as a cashier and after 2 months was a grocery sales associate , then the Inventory Control Supervisor, and Toys Dept. manager for 2 years then moved into the brand new position of ZMS (Zone Merchandising Supervisor - Entertainment zone) for the last year and 1/2. I even spent 3 months on overnights as a Support Manager (which was quite interesting to be in charge all by yourself ....which happened several times during the day as a ZMS also). After much debating, I decided to step back down to part time sales associate to spend more time with the kids. I think alot of people did not understand how I could give up a good paying job and cut my hours to stay at home. We were already paying $740 a month in daycare for Malia (full days) and Nic (just after school). It would have been over $1000 a month for the 3 of them this summer. But that was not my main reason, I was missing way to many things in my kids lives. An occasional game would have been ok, but Megan probably played maybe 20 school basketball games, and I got to go to 2 of them.
Someone the other day asked how I was losing weight (i have lost 14 lbs. since May). I said "i guess the decision to start enjoying life and give up the stress ".
Jason and I will be married 15 years this September.
A couple weeks after meeting Jason started working at Airtex and has been there for 17 years. I went to work at Airtex about a year later and worked in the office for 5 years, before I quit to be a stay at home mom when Nic was born. Megan was born in 2000 and Nic in 2001. Malia was born in 2010.
I decided to go back to work when the kids were in school, and wanted a job that was flexable so back to Walmart is where I went for the last 5 years. I started out as a cashier and after 2 months was a grocery sales associate , then the Inventory Control Supervisor, and Toys Dept. manager for 2 years then moved into the brand new position of ZMS (Zone Merchandising Supervisor - Entertainment zone) for the last year and 1/2. I even spent 3 months on overnights as a Support Manager (which was quite interesting to be in charge all by yourself ....which happened several times during the day as a ZMS also). After much debating, I decided to step back down to part time sales associate to spend more time with the kids. I think alot of people did not understand how I could give up a good paying job and cut my hours to stay at home. We were already paying $740 a month in daycare for Malia (full days) and Nic (just after school). It would have been over $1000 a month for the 3 of them this summer. But that was not my main reason, I was missing way to many things in my kids lives. An occasional game would have been ok, but Megan probably played maybe 20 school basketball games, and I got to go to 2 of them.
Someone the other day asked how I was losing weight (i have lost 14 lbs. since May). I said "i guess the decision to start enjoying life and give up the stress ".
Jason and I will be married 15 years this September.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
phone mishaps
I have decided that Malia is no longer allowed to play with my phone. She can get the phone unlocked and dial numbers or at least use contacts to call....yeah I guess you can figure out where this is going.
A couple weeks ago, Jason (who was at work) called me and asked if I needed something, I said "no, why", he said cause you just tried to call me at work..... it was Malia. Funny how she called daddy.
Today, she was playing with my phone and Nic took it away with her when it started to ring and we thought she made it ring until I got to looking at missed calls and I had one from the police dept.....yeah.....she called the police dept and they were calling back when Nic had hung up on them thinking it was just something Malia had done.
I hope they don't show up at my door in a minute.................
A couple weeks ago, Jason (who was at work) called me and asked if I needed something, I said "no, why", he said cause you just tried to call me at work..... it was Malia. Funny how she called daddy.
Today, she was playing with my phone and Nic took it away with her when it started to ring and we thought she made it ring until I got to looking at missed calls and I had one from the police dept.....yeah.....she called the police dept and they were calling back when Nic had hung up on them thinking it was just something Malia had done.
I hope they don't show up at my door in a minute.................
Elsie (Bernetha) Coffman.....
Elsie (Bernetha) Coffman, I knew her as Aunt Bernetha (my great aunt). She passed away this week at 101 years old.
She was one of 14 children (my grandmother being the baby of the 14). She was married twice and widowed twice. She had 2 daughters. She was an outstanding baker and quilter. She traveled extensively and took a trip to Hawaii and while on a cruise ship between the islands and california she celebrated her 95th birthday. She lived life to the fullest and was always in a cheerful mood. She was sister to my grandmother Evadell (my dad's mother), but she was also best friend to my grandmother Hazel (my mom's mother). She was always full of stories and could remember everything. Most of her siblings have all lived a very full live. Her oldest brother Clifford passed away at age 100. And although her sister (my grandmother Evadell) has dimensia, she is in very good health at age 87.
She will be greatly missed.
She was one of 14 children (my grandmother being the baby of the 14). She was married twice and widowed twice. She had 2 daughters. She was an outstanding baker and quilter. She traveled extensively and took a trip to Hawaii and while on a cruise ship between the islands and california she celebrated her 95th birthday. She lived life to the fullest and was always in a cheerful mood. She was sister to my grandmother Evadell (my dad's mother), but she was also best friend to my grandmother Hazel (my mom's mother). She was always full of stories and could remember everything. Most of her siblings have all lived a very full live. Her oldest brother Clifford passed away at age 100. And although her sister (my grandmother Evadell) has dimensia, she is in very good health at age 87.
She will be greatly missed.
A "No Plans" kind of day
I have not had a day with no plans in a long, long time. I forgot what it was like to actually get up at 10 am and not have to worry about getting one of the kids somewhere. I could get use to this.....except, tomorrow we are right back at it. 4 (maybe 5) softball games in the next 3 days. Plus the fair is this week.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
long day
Jason had to work this morning so I loaded the kids up and headed out early to Carmi for Megan's double header softball game. Wow, I did not realize how hard it would be without him there. I made 3 trips to the van for the canopy, pack-n-play, cooler, diaper bag, snacks,etc.... The first game we lost and it was rough and there were alot of errors, but we came around and won the second game 6 to 3. Megan was catcher the first game and pitcher the entire second game. She did a very good job. As soon as Jason got off work he headed to the game and it was my turn to head to work. After spending 4 hours at the park I had to go work 7 hours. It was not easy. oh and Megan and I stayed up until 1 am the night before watching "Beastly" movie.
Megan has another double header tomorrow in Flora. I love that she has such a love for softball. She never complains about going to a practice or game. I wonder how she will feel when next week is the last week for the year.
Megan's League team finished 1st place, so they get a 'by' for the first round, there record was 9-1. The tournament is next week and she plays Wednesday night and if they win that game she plays Friday in the championship game.
Nic was suppost to have his tournament this week, but it got rained out and they may not continue for another 2 weeks.
Megan has another double header tomorrow in Flora. I love that she has such a love for softball. She never complains about going to a practice or game. I wonder how she will feel when next week is the last week for the year.
Megan's League team finished 1st place, so they get a 'by' for the first round, there record was 9-1. The tournament is next week and she plays Wednesday night and if they win that game she plays Friday in the championship game.
Nic was suppost to have his tournament this week, but it got rained out and they may not continue for another 2 weeks.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Big help
Today when Malia was tired, Megan decided she wanted to rock her to sleep. Megan put on Malia's favorite movie (Shrek) and sat with her in the reclinder. She did a very good job. The whole time Malia was asleep Megan kept asking when she could get Malia up to play with her.
Then tonight when it was Malia's bath time, Nic decided he wanted to give her the bath. With the exception of water everywhere, he did a very good job too. He made her laugh the entire time. He had a little trouble getting Malia to be still long enough to get her diaper on.
Then tonight when it was Malia's bath time, Nic decided he wanted to give her the bath. With the exception of water everywhere, he did a very good job too. He made her laugh the entire time. He had a little trouble getting Malia to be still long enough to get her diaper on.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Malia update
At almost 15 months, Malia is learning things very quickly. She can say:
top (stop)
My (my baby, my sissy)
Meme (Megan)
wha (what)
She can also shake her head 'no' and 'yes', point to her nose when asked, and if you say you are going bye bye she will go get her shoes and bring them to you and then head to the door. She still has 12 teeth. If she hears the bath water running, she starts trying to take her clothes off and can get her diaper off all by herself.
Lately at the ball park, she has really enjoyed eating freeze pops. Last night at Nic's ballgame, there were some kids sitting on the edge of the walk and Malia walked up and sat down beside them and watched the game, and we all had to laugh at how cute it was. Last week early one morning, I got Malia up and went to turn the light on in the living room, as I was doing this she was trying to reach something on the table in the dining room and she was getting mad that it was out of reach. I continued to do a couple things and when I came back into the dining room she was sitting in a chair at the table and had gotten what she was wanting, a bag of donuts and was eating one. I still cannot figure how she got into that chair (Megan and Nic were asleep still and Jason was at work). When I walked over to her I said "what do you think you are doing", she threw her hands in the air and said "wha..." (what). I was laughing so hard that I was crying.
I think we will have our hands full with this one.
top (stop)
My (my baby, my sissy)
Meme (Megan)
wha (what)
She can also shake her head 'no' and 'yes', point to her nose when asked, and if you say you are going bye bye she will go get her shoes and bring them to you and then head to the door. She still has 12 teeth. If she hears the bath water running, she starts trying to take her clothes off and can get her diaper off all by herself.
Lately at the ball park, she has really enjoyed eating freeze pops. Last night at Nic's ballgame, there were some kids sitting on the edge of the walk and Malia walked up and sat down beside them and watched the game, and we all had to laugh at how cute it was. Last week early one morning, I got Malia up and went to turn the light on in the living room, as I was doing this she was trying to reach something on the table in the dining room and she was getting mad that it was out of reach. I continued to do a couple things and when I came back into the dining room she was sitting in a chair at the table and had gotten what she was wanting, a bag of donuts and was eating one. I still cannot figure how she got into that chair (Megan and Nic were asleep still and Jason was at work). When I walked over to her I said "what do you think you are doing", she threw her hands in the air and said "wha..." (what). I was laughing so hard that I was crying.
I think we will have our hands full with this one.
Home Improvements
About 2 weeks ago we got a new central unit, our old one was ready to be laid to rest (1960's model). It ran 24 hours a day all summer long and leaked water down the sides. I cannot believe what a difference the new one makes. It barely runs at all.
Next week we are getting our new windows in and I cannot wait. We got double pain, full screen windows.
Next on the list is our roof and more attic insulation. I cannot decide if I want to stay with a shingled roof or go with the new metal roofs. ANY SUGGESTIONS........
Next week we are getting our new windows in and I cannot wait. We got double pain, full screen windows.
Next on the list is our roof and more attic insulation. I cannot decide if I want to stay with a shingled roof or go with the new metal roofs. ANY SUGGESTIONS........
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mega Softball weekend . . . . . .
Nic has a baseball game tonight and if they win, they play again tomorrow night for a 2nd place tie breaker game. Then he has the tournament and he is done.
Megan has 2 softball games Friday night, 2 games Saturday morning and 2 games Sunday Afternoon with her traveling team. Then she has her league tournament and she is done. Except she will be trying out for school softball.
It has been a busy summer, but we have enjoyed it.
Megan has 2 softball games Friday night, 2 games Saturday morning and 2 games Sunday Afternoon with her traveling team. Then she has her league tournament and she is done. Except she will be trying out for school softball.
It has been a busy summer, but we have enjoyed it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Megan's Blog
Well I caved and let Megan start her own blog. She called it "MEGA SOFTBALL FAN". You can find it at meganaustin12.blogspot.com
Malia...our baby girl. Born 9 lbs. 10 oz. and 20" long. At 14 months now, she weighs 22 lbs. She started walking at 11 months and has been saying lots of words. She has very thin (and slowly growing) hair, but is now curly in the back. She also has the most beautiful big blue eyes, and everywhere we go people seem to notice them, along with her dimples. Malia has 12 teeth already and can eat just about anything we can. Her favorite is spagetti.
She is a free spirit and wants to be on the run all the time. She also loves to watch Shrek and Toy Story. She will sit and watch the entire movies.
Before she was born, Jason and I could not agree on a name. I wanted to name her Miley and Jason wanted to name her Leah, so we put the two names together and got Mileah, but I changed my mind and did not like that and changed it to Malia. I had no idea that was the presidents daughters name at the time. oh well.
For the first year of her life she was in daycare and seemed to do well, but now I am only working part time and I am able to be home with her. I am so grateful to do this since I did with Megan and Nic. She loves to follow them around and enjoys getting to play in their rooms with them. When she was 9 months old, we went to Disney World and she was a very good baby. I was suprised at all the rides she could go on.
Malia at 6 months old.
Christmas time, Malia opening her first present.
Malia getting ready to go swimming for the first time at a hotel we were staying at in Georgia.Malia with Winne the Pooh (character breakfast in the Magic Kingdom - The Crystal Palace)
Malia - 9 months old.
Malia 11 months old at the park.
Malia at the softball park at one of her sisters games (14 months old).
NIC. . . . . The middle child. He was born 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 22 inches long. He has always been very tall for his age and in kindergarten was a head taller than everyone in his class. Jason reached 6'2 by the time he was 12 years old, so we think that Nic is going to also. I am guessing he will hit 6'4. At 9 years old he is already in mens size 6 shoes. He will be going into 4th grade this year. As a child he has had developmental delays and speech delay. He has been in speech since age 3 (preschool) and because of improvements this past year, if he can maintain during the summer he will be released from speech. Nic has difficulty paying attention and is easily distracted. He also is very caring and sensitive. He loves little children and is very good with them. He makes Malia laugh all the time. When Malia was born and they brought her into the nursery, Nic was at the window watching. Malia started chocking and they inserted tubes and Nic paniced and passed out, except the hospital did not know what was going on and called a 'CODE BLUE'. Nurses and Doctors came from every direction and when Nic woke up he was very embarrassed and kept apoligizing. During the first couple weeks at home, anytime Malia cried, Nic would panic and tell me to help her "Please". He was a very good baby and never cried.
In the past, Nic has not show much interest in sports. He did not want to play baseball this year but I signed him up anyway and he has enjoyed it this year. He is in the yard every day practicing. This was his 5th year playing, but the first time he has really had fun at it. He started out struggling to hit the ball, but when he did, it was a triple and he got on the base and was jumping up and down and yelling "yes" and everyone was laughing with him and cheering him on.
He has also played Upward Basketball for 4 years and flag football 1 year. He loves to skateboard and play video games.
He does pretty well in school and maintains good grades. I had a teacher tell me one time he is the class clown and is always trying to make everyone laugh. He likes school and mostly enjoys recess, where girls have been known to chase him around calling him Justin Bieber. lol. He is close to his sister, Megan (who is 19 months older). They do almost everything together.
Nic at his 9th birthday party.
Nic at Downtown Disney - the Lock Ness Monster is made out of legos.
Nic at Downtown Disney.
Nic at the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom.
By the princess castle at the Magic Kingdom.
At Daytona Beach
Friday, July 1, 2011
My oldest MEGAN . . . . . . . . . She was born 8 lbs. 0 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. We have a special bond. She calls me "momma" and I love it. She is 11 going on 30. And she is going into 6th grade. She worries about everything, but does not show it most of the time. She usually won't leave my side and is always looking for my approval. For as long as I can remember she has wanted to be a teacher when she grows up. Most of the time she will stand back and watch instead of joining in. Her teachers always have good things to say. I remember one teacher telling me that she was a blessing to have in class because Megan would not let her forget anything if she missed it. She hates to read, but loves math. Last year she was moved into the advanced math class. She also made high honors 3 out of 4 quarters this year. Before that, she had been struggling in school. Her and Nic are 19 months apart and at times can be very close and then cannot stand to be around each other. Fighting with her brother and the tendancy to be a little bossy sometimes is usually the only time she gets into trouble. She watches out for him and although she has her own room, she chooses to sleep in his room (he has a bunk bed). Megan is a big help around the house. She loves to cook (something she got from her great grandmother) and will cook our meals occasionally all by herself. For Christmas this past year she got a lot of cooking items (utensils, electric skillet, her own dish set). 2 years ago she got a sewing machine for christmas and she loves to use it. Megan is 10 years older than Malia. Malia likes to follow her big sister around and enjoys spending time in Megans room with her. Megan is hoping that Malia is into sports as much as she is so she can help her, and she says she wants to coach her softball team. Megan will be a very good role model for Malia.
Megan usually knows people where ever we go. We usually do not go anywhere without a friend of hers with us, and it seems like she has a friend for a sleepover almost every weekend. She spends alot of time on facebook talking to friends or texting them. Wow. . . . am I glad she has the unlimited texting on her phone.
Her grandparents are members of a car club and for years, Megan has been part of that too, going to the meetings and some car shows and parades. She gets to help out and even hand out trophies and door prizes.
She loves all sports. Right now she is on 2 softball teams (league and traveling). She can handle just about any position on the field, but mostly is catcher or pitcher or 3rd base. She has pitched the whole last 3 games for her league team and they are 8 - 1.
She played school Basketball in 5th grade. And she played 2 years of Upward Basketball.
Megan keeps us very busy. She also did gymnastics for 3 years and Upward Cheerleading for 2 years. And she has played flag football, taken piano lessons and karate lessons. This year in 6th grade she has to decide between volleyball or basketball and she is torn because she wants to do both, but the school will only let them choose one because they are both around the same time. She plans on trying out for the school softball team also. She is in band and plays the flute. She loves to go swimming daily at the park pool and has been doing volleyball and basketball camps this summer.
Megan has boyfriend, Alex. For the last several months I have watched them together and they are very cute and shy together. We have also gotten to know his family and they are wonderful. Megan came to me and said she wanted to get QUEEN on the back of her softball shirt (you can get whatever you want and Alex's last name is KING) and I told her no at first, but she was insistant and said there was nothing else she wanted to get, so I told her that she would have ask Alex if it was ok with him before she did (and she did).
Megan and Alex
Some pictures of Megan . . . . . . . . . .
Megan (with her mouse ears on) at EPCOT
Megan at her 11th birthday party.
Megan and Nic at a fireworks event.
Megan beside the Princess Castle at Magic Kingdom.
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