Friday, October 14, 2011

An unexpected lay-off

Jason, who works for the union making automotive fuel pumps, texted me from work yesterday and the text said "just told everyone we are laid off". . . . .  ok, that is enought to put me in a panic.  Since he was still at work, I called my mother, who also works at the same place, but is in Engineering.  She did not know anything about it.  And after hanging up with her I received another text from Jason that said "it is just my department and we go back to work Tuesday".  UGH . . . . . . Why could he not say that the first time.  So he was laid off for 2 days.  They are out of parts, and will probably go on overtime when the parts come in.  So I guess he will enjoy a little short vacation.  He has worked there for almost 18 years.  I  even worked there for 6 years in the Research and Development building as a secretary.

He is gonna spend his day today at 2 of the local elementary schools with the fire department.  They take the fire truck and let the kids climb all over them and they talk about fire prevention and safety.