NIC . . . . will be 10 years old in 2 weeks. Hard to believe it. He now towers at 4'10" and we are guessing he will be at least 6'4" by the time he is done growing. Jason is 6'2" and is the shortest of his 2 other brothers. Nic was born 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 22" long.. . . . a big long baby.
We are so proud of him. He made the honor roll for the first time ever this year. He also got a 96% in math for the first semester so they are thinking of moving him to hi-math. During his parent / teacher conference I have to admit that I was a little nervous, but his teacher said that she has no concerns about Nic, only that she has to remind him sometimes about talking when he is not suppost to be talking. She said he was a good listener, always has his work done and is eager to learn. Way to go Nic !
And at Megan's parent / teacher conferences she got good reports from 2 out of 3 teachers. Two of her teachers told us basically the same thing about her . . . that she was a good listener, always helpful, gets work done, and both said she was a joy to have in class. One of the teachers even said that he wished he had 20 more of her and that we should be so proud of Megan and that they don't come any better than her. They had no concerns at all. The third teacher was not so much in agreement with the other two, but I won't get into that, only to say her words were "she has a lot of blonde moments". Megan did make the honor roll again. . . . Way to go Megan !