Sunday, September 4, 2011

An afternoon at Gatti Town

We decided to take the kids and Alex and Adrien to Gatti Town.  For those who do not know, it is just like Chuck-E-Cheese. 

Here we are eating before we get to go play games.

 Adrien, Megan and Alex excited to find DEAL OR NO DEAL again....they love that game. 
 Megan being silly with Adrien and Alex behind her.
 Alex bowling
Adrien playing a game with a soccer ball (the ball drops down and you kick it).

 Nic and Adrien.
 Dance Dance Revolution

Nic....the room was pretty empty when we first got there....
 Nic bowling
 Alex bowling
 Malia got in on the fun too, riding a car.............

 .....and on a little merry go round.

 Adrien winning CANDY
 Jason and Malia bowling.
 Alex riding a motorcycle game.

 Megan and Alex on motorcycles