Here are a bunch of random pictures I found from the last year.
This is my Mom (Memaw) and Step Dad (Papa) drving their 69 Chevelle in the Veteran's Day Parade 2010. Papa is a Vietnam War Vet. Megan is in the car with them. She loves this car and is hoping to get it for her 16th birthday. Memaw says it depends on how well she learns to drive.
Nic at an after school cooking program. He decided that he wanted to be a chef. A few days later he wanted to be a pro skate boarder.
Nic, Malia and Megan
I love this picture (except for the fact Megan closed her eyes). Nic and Malia's blue eyes shine. This was at the Pumpkin Patch. Malia was 6 months old.
Nic (wearing a tie) at his Christmas Program.
Megan (in the middle in white) at her Christmas Program.
Halloween 2010 . . . . A Ninja, Bunny and a Witch.
Christmas at Memaw and Papa's house 2010. Tyler, Casey, Megan, Malia, Nic, Andy, Brandon and Chelsea. All of their grandkids and great grandkids (except Mady).
Malia (9 months old) at the Largest McDonald's in the World in Florida.
Megan and Malia on the slide.
Nic, Malia and Megan (April 2011)
Malia's 1 yr. old photo
On our way to Florida, this was in Georgia at a rest stop.